DEfusion's Russian Roulette is a batch script game i made in the start of 2022, it is made as an experiment. It comes as an exe file and weighs around 250 kb's, has an icon of a hand holding a gun.
I only made this page because i spotted this game going around some shady south african page that only leads me to even more shadier dating sites, even though the only way of getting this game is thru LambdaPosting Discord, and the original code doesn't contain harmful code, if you somehow get your hands on a copy of this game,DO NOT OPEN IT, DISPOSE OF IT IMMEDIATLY.
I would have much more fun if i was able to spread it as an exe but seems like its not possible, so here goes the original game code, copy paste this into notepad and save it as a .bat file, it is going to keep you and your friends(if you have any) entertained for a solid 2 minutes.
@echo off title DEfusion's Russian Roulette :tood cls echo Welcome, to DEfusion's Russian Roulette! echo Gamble with your life! echo Mail me at ! echo This is a .bat file with no harmful contents. pause cls :bootque echo Let us play? echo 1.Set up a game. echo 2.How to play? set /a mena=1 set /P mena=___ if /I %mena% equ 1 goto :gameset if /I %mena% equ 2 goto :howto goto :bootque :howto echo New timer, eh? pause cls echo Russian Roulette. echo Russian Roulette is a game of pure luck. echo A revolver gets loaded with a single round. echo Each Player will aim the gun at their head and fire it. echo If they can't, they are out. echo If they get shot, they die. echo Who stands as the last man, wins the pot. pause cls echo About This game. echo 6 players are to play this game. echo You can choose each players name. echo You can set some or all players to be CPU players. echo CPU players play by themselves, and there is 1/5 possibility they will chicken out. echo Thanks to all these features you can play Single or Multi. echo Have fun! Or Death! pause cls goto :tood :gameset cls echo Let's set up a game! pause cls echo What is gonna be Player 1's name? set /p plone=___ echo Alright! %plone% it is, then! pause echo Is %plone% a CPU player or a normal player? echo 1. CPU echo 2. NORMAL :oneset set /a ase=1 set /p ase=___ if /i %ase% equ 1 goto :plob if /i %ase% equ 2 goto :plon goto :oneset :pltwot cls echo What is gonna be Player 2's name? set /p pltwo=___ echo Alright! %pltwo% it is, then! pause echo Is %pltwo% a CPU player or a normal player? echo 1. CPU echo 2. NORMAL :twoset set /p ase=___ if /i %ase% equ 1 goto :pltb if /i %ase% equ 2 goto :pltn goto :twoset :plreet cls echo What is gonna be Player 3's name? set /p plree=___ echo Alright! %plree% it is, then! pause echo Is %plree% a CPU player or a normal player? echo 1. CPU echo 2. NORMAL :reeset set /p ase=___ if /i %ase% equ 1 goto :plrb if /i %ase% equ 2 goto :plrn goto :reeset :plfot cls echo What is gonna be Player 4's name? set /p plfo=___ echo Alright! %plfo% it is, then! pause echo Is %plfo% a CPU player or a normal player? echo 1. CPU echo 2. NORMAL :foset set /p ase=___ if /i %ase% equ 1 goto :plfb if /i %ase% equ 2 goto :plfn goto :foset :plvet cls echo What is gonna be Player 5's name? set /p plve=___ echo Alright! %plve% it is, then! pause echo Is %plve% a CPU player or a normal player? echo 1. CPU echo 2. NORMAL :veset set /p ase=___ if /i %ase% equ 1 goto :plvb if /i %ase% equ 2 goto :plvn goto :veset :plxit cls echo What is gonna be Player 6's name? set /p plxi=___ echo Alright! %plxi% it is, then! pause echo Is %plxi% a CPU player or a normal player? echo 1. CPU echo 2. NORMAL :xiset set /p ase=___ if /i %ase% equ 1 goto :plxb if /i %ase% equ 2 goto :plxn goto :xiset :: burada bot veya insan secimi :: one two ree fo ve xi :plob set ploneq=bot echo %plone% has been set as a CPU player. pause goto :pltwot :plon set ploneq=human echo %plone% has been set as a Normal player. pause goto :pltwot :pltb set pltwoq=bot echo %pltwo% has been set as a CPU player. pause goto :plreet :pltn set pltwoq=human echo %pltwo% has been set as a Normal player. pause goto :plreet :plrn set plreeq=human echo %plree% has been set as a Normal player. pause goto :plfot :plrb set plreeq=bot echo %plree% has been set as a CPU player. pause goto :plfot :plfb set plfoq=bot echo %plree% has been set as a CPU player. pause goto :plvet :plfn set plfoq=human echo %plree% has been set as a Normal player. pause goto :plvet :plvb set plveq=bot echo %plve% has been set as a CPU player. pause goto :plxit :plvn set plveq=human echo %plve% has been set as a normal player. pause goto :plxit :plxb set plxiq=bot echo %plxi% has been set as a CPU player. pause goto :commenbe :plxn set plxiq=human echo %plxi% has been set as a normal player. pause goto :commenbe ::oyun baslar :commenbe set barrel=5 set oneded=no set twoded=no set reeded=no set foded=no set veded=no set xided=no set dedcount=0 cls echo %plone% , %pltwo% , %plree% , %plfo% , %plve% and %plxi% sits on the table. pause echo and, the game begins. pause :gameisred cls echo Round begins. pause cls if /i %oneded% equ yes goto :onededt if /i %dedcount% equ 5 goto :winone if /i %ploneq% equ bot goto :artone echo %plone% picks up the gun! :plcone set ase=1 echo What to do? echo 1. Pull it. echo 2. Chicken out. set /p ase=___ if /i %ase% equ 1 goto :fireone if /i %ase% equ 2 goto :onech goto :plcone :onededt echo %plone% is no longer on the table. pause goto :twoplay :onech echo %plone% chickens out! echo %plone% is eliminated from play. set oneded=yes pause goto :twoplay :twoplay cls if /i %twoded% equ yes goto :twodedt if /i %dedcount% equ 5 goto :wintwo if /i %pltwoq% equ bot goto :arttwo echo %pltwo% picks up the gun! :plctwo set ase=1 echo What to do? echo 1. Pull it. echo 2. Chicken out. set /p ase=___ if /i %ase% equ 1 goto :firetwo if /i %ase% equ 2 goto :twoch goto :plctwo :twodedt echo %pltwo% is no longer on the table. pause goto :reeplay :twoch echo %pltwo% chickens out! echo %pltwo% is eliminated from play! set twoded=yes pause goto :reeplay :reeplay cls if /i %reeded% equ yes goto :reededt if /i %dedcount% equ 5 goto :winree if /i %plreeq% equ bot goto :artree echo %plree% picks up the gun! :plcree set ase=1 echo What to do? echo 1. Pull it. echo 2. Chicken out. set /p ase=___ if /i %ase% equ 1 goto :fireree if /i %ase% equ 2 goto :reech goto :plcree :reededt echo %plree% is no longer on the table. pause goto :foplay :reech echo %plfo% chickens out! echo %plfo% is eliminated from play! set reeded=yes pause goto :foplay :foplay cls if /i %foded% equ yes goto :fodedt if /i %dedcount% equ 5 goto :winfo if /i %plfoq% equ bot goto :artfo echo %plfo% picks up the gun! :plcfo set ase=1 echo What to do? echo 1. Pull it. echo 2. Chicken out. set /p ase=___ if /i %ase% equ 1 goto :firefo if /i %ase% equ 2 goto :foch goto :plcfo :fodedt echo %plfo% is no longer on the table. pause goto :veplay :foch echo %plfo% chickens out! echo %plfo% is eliminated from play! set foch=yes pause goto :veplay :veplay cls if /i %veded% equ yes goto :vededt if /i %dedcount% equ 5 goto :winve if /i %plveq% equ bot goto :artve echo %plve% picks up the gun! :plcve set ase=1 echo What to do? echo 1. Pull it. echo 2. Chicken out. set /p ase=___ if /i %ase% equ 1 goto :fireve if /i %ase% equ 2 goto :vech goto :plcve :vededt echo %plve% is no longer on the table. pause goto :xiplay :vech echo %plve% chickens out! echo %plve% is eliminated from play! set veded=yes pause goto :xiplay :xiplay cls if /i %xided% equ yes goto :xidedt if /i %dedcount% equ 5 goto :winxi if /i %plxiq% equ bot goto :artxi echo %plxi% picks up the gun! :plcxi set ase=1 echo What to do? echo 1. Pull it. echo 2. Chicken out. set /p ase=___ if /i %ase% equ 1 goto :firexi if /i %ase% equ 2 goto :zich goto :plcxi :xidedt echo %plxi% is no longer on the table. pause goto :gameisred :xich echo %plxi% chickens out! echo %plxi% is eliminated from play! set xided=yes pause goto :gameisred :fireone echo %plone% spins the cylinder... pause set /a cocked=%random% %%6 echo %plone% pulls the trigger! pause if %barrel% equ %cocked% goto :killone echo Whew. It didn't shoot. pause goto :twoplay :firetwo echo %pltwo% spins the cylinder... pause set /a cocked=%random% %%6 echo %pltwo% pulls the trigger! pause if %barrel% equ %cocked% goto :killtwo echo Whew. It didn't shoot. pause goto :reeplay :fireree echo %plree% spins the cylinder... pause set /a cocked=%random% %%6 echo %plree% pulls the trigger! pause if %barrel% equ %cocked% goto :killree echo Whew. It didn't shoot. pause goto :foplay :firefo echo %plfo% spins the cylinder... pause set /a cocked=%random% %%6 echo %plfo% pulls the trigger! pause if %barrel% equ %cocked% goto :killfo echo Whew. It didn't shoot. pause goto :veplay :fireve echo %plve% spins the cylinder... pause set /a cocked=%random% %%6 echo %plve% pulls the trigger! pause if %barrel% equ %cocked% goto :killve echo Whew. It didn't shoot. pause goto :xiplay :firexi echo %plxi% spins the cylinder... pause set /a cocked=%random% %%6 echo %plxi% pulls the trigger! pause if %barrel% equ %cocked% goto :killxi echo Whew. It didn't shoot. pause goto :gameisred ::olumune :killone color 47 echo A loud bang echoes the room. pause echo %plone% drops dead. set oneded=yes set /a dedcount= %dedcount% + 1 pause color 07 set /a barrel=%random% %%6 echo A new bullet was loaded into the gun. pause goto :twoplay :killtwo color 47 echo A loud bang echoes the room. pause echo %pltwo% drops dead. set twoded=yes set /a dedcount= %dedcount% + 1 pause color 07 set /a barrel=%random% %%6 echo A new bullet was loaded into the gun. pause goto :reeplay :killree color 47 echo A loud bang echoes the room. pause echo %plree% drops dead. set reeded=yes set /a dedcount= %dedcount% + 1 pause color 07 set /a barrel=%random% %%6 echo A new bullet was loaded into the gun. pause goto :foplay :killfo color 47 echo A loud bang echoes the room. pause echo %plfo% drops dead. set foded=yes set /a dedcount= %dedcount% + 1 pause color 07 set /a barrel=%random% %%6 echo A new bullet was loaded into the gun. pause goto :veplay :killve color 47 echo A loud bang echoes the room. pause echo %plve% drops dead. set veded=yes set /a dedcount= %dedcount% + 1 pause color 07 set /a barrel=%random% %%6 echo A new bullet was loaded into the gun. pause goto :xiplay :killxi color 47 echo A loud bang echoes the room. echo %plxi% drops dead. set xided=yes set /a dedcount= %dedcount + 1 pause color 07 set /a barrel=%random% %%6 echo A new bullet was loaded into the gun. pause goto :gameisred :winone echo The table is emptied. pause echo %plone% is the last standi- sorry, sitting. pause echo %plone% wins the pot. pause echo %plone% gets up, walks towards the door. pause echo The floor is like a pool of blood. pause echo Was it really worth it? pause goto :finish :wintwo echo The table is emptied. pause echo %pltwo% is the last standi- sorry, sitting. pause echo %pltwo% wins the pot. pause echo %pltwo% gets up, walks towards the door. pause echo The floor is like a pool of blood. pause echo Was it really worth it? pause goto :finish :winree echo The table is emptied. pause echo %plree% is the last standi- sorry, sitting. pause echo %plree% wins the pot. pause echo %plree% gets up, walks towards the door. pause echo The floor is like a pool of blood. pause echo Was it really worth it? pause goto :finish :winfo echo The table is emptied. pause echo %plfo% is the last standi- sorry, sitting. pause echo %plfo% wins the pot. pause echo %plfo% gets up, walks towards the door. pause echo The floor is like a pool of blood. pause echo Was it really worth it? pause goto :finish :winve echo The table is emptied. pause echo %plve% is the last standi- sorry, sitting. pause echo %plve% wins the pot. pause echo %plve% gets up, walks towards the door. pause echo The floor is like a pool of blood. pause echo Was it really worth it? pause goto :finish :winxi echo The table is emptied. pause echo %plxi% is the last standi- sorry, sitting. pause echo %plxi% wins the pot. pause echo %plxi% gets up, walks towards the door. pause echo The floor is like a pool of blood. pause echo Was it really worth it? pause goto :finish :artone echo %plone% is thinking... pause set /a arer=%random% %%100 if "%arer%" gtr 80 goto :onech goto :fireone :arttwo echo %pltwo% is thinking... pause set /a arer=%random% %%100 if "%arer%" gtr 80 goto :twoch goto :firetwo :artree echo %plree% is thinking... pause set /a arer=%random% %%100 if "%arer%" gtr 80 goto :reech goto :fireree :artfo echo %plfo% is thinking... pause set /a arer=%random% %%100 if "%arer%" gtr 80 goto :foch goto :firefo :artve echo %plve% is thinking... pause set /a arer=%random% %%100 if "%arer%" gtr 80 goto :vech goto :fireve :artxi echo %plxi% is thinking... pause set /a arti=%random% %%100 if "%arti%" gtr 80 goto :xich goto :firexi :finish echo %plone%, %pltwo%, %plree%, %plfo%, %plve% and %plxi%... echo Thank you so much for playin DEfusion's Russian Roulette! echo Please come back to play again! pause exit